Five beneficial things to do with the Internet

Technology is an application, instrument, or process that enhances or simplifies aspects of daily life. Your vehicle is a perfect example of technology that simplifies life. As a whole, the Internet can be viewed as an important technological advancement.

The Internet has brought lots of amazing benefits. Here are five beneficial things to do with the Internet:

  • Telecommunications

Through the Internet, we are now able to communicate virtually instantly and without adding a stamp to our correspondence.

  • Using the Internet to shop

Shoppers enjoy the convenience of online shopping with the Internet. The Internet allows you to buy virtually anything with just a few clicks rather than driving to a mall and standing in long lines. Moreover, individuals can compare prices and selections between different online retailers using the Internet to know which one offers the best deals.

  • Internet Banking

Online banking is a common practice today. Online accounts are used for paying bills, transferring funds, or checking a balance. The closest bank is usually a one-mile drive away from your home, so in the past, you needed to wait in line to have your transactions completed.

Using the Internet, you can completely avoid the line by remotely logging into your account from your computer and then completing your transaction whenever it suits you.

  • IoT (Internet of Things)

Connecting billions of computers and devices is the most significant benefit of the Internet. The Internet not only makes it easier for people to exchange information but also makes automation possible. This is where the Internet of Things comes into play, where devices and sensors are connected to perform functions automatically.

  • Entertainment

There is an endless supply of entertainment available online, from watching videos to watching movies, listening to music, and playing games. The internet provides an avenue to access these materials at relatively cheap prices.

The demerits of internet addiction

Today, many people spend a significant amount of time online, whether it’s for work, social interaction, information gathering, or entertainment. It is, however, possible to draw a line between healthy Internet usage and a disorder called Internet Addiction Disorder.

Internet Addiction Disorder has its signs, symptoms, and disadvantages. Here are some demerits of internet addiction:

  • Isolation

An internet addict spends most of his time alone, confined to his room with only his computer as a company.

Eventually, he may be isolated from social life, resulting in a decline of his social skills when he does venture out. In addition, as he interacts mostly online, he may find it challenging to hold a conversation or feel comfortable in public and social situations.

  • Poor Health

It is possible to be addicted to the Internet and suffer health problems. For example, poor posture and constant computer use can cause bad backs and carpal tunnel syndrome. It can also cause bad eyesight, which is caused by too much squinting at the screen.

In addition, when people are addicted to the Internet, they are likely to pose a greater risk of obesity since they are less likely to exercise or prepare healthy meals.

  • Interference with your life

The time spent online and the frequent absences and tardiness of Internet addicts threaten their jobs or academic careers. In addition, as a result of spending so much time online rather than with those he’s close to, Internet addicts may also discover their relationships suffer.

  • Behaviors such as withdrawal and aggression

When they are disturbed or interrupted while surfing the Internet, Internet addicts may become aggressive. Getting his attention might lead him to snap, or he might become irritated when asked about his online habits. In addition, the withdrawal symptoms of an Internet addict can cause him to become irritable and aggressive if he isn’t online.

The benefits of the internet

It is hard to imagine how our lives without the internet. There are billions of people online, billions of websites and millions of blog posts and articles are published every day.

With these mind-blowing status, it would be hard to imagine how much we would accomplish if we didn’t have the internet aid.


It is hard to ignore the fact that the internet connects almost everyone in the world. From your country, you can reach out to someone who lives several miles away in another country. We have knowledge of what is going on in other countries and vice-versa.

This connection also breeds friendship, as we can be friends with people not in our geographical location.


Even though we’re separated by huge water bodies, mountains and time zones, we can still communicate with anyone. When you combine communication with connection, you will see that you can work from any location.

All you need do is connect to the internet and you can work and chat as if you are in the same office with your co-workers.


Imagine living life without the internet, and the inconvenience that comes with it. Think about all the activities you used to do and how the internet has helped you achieve them. The internet is a profound enabler that saves us the stress and time of doing different things.


If you need information, the internet is your best bet. The internet is full of information even from hundreds to thousands of years ago. All you need do is type your search query and Google will load all the answers.


If you want to be schooled or learn, the education helps you achieve this. Interestingly, schools have explored the online learning option. Hence, you can attend school from the comfort of your home.  


Do you crave entertainment? Then the internet is your best bet. If you want to laugh and have a good time, you can get it from the internet.   

Preventing addiction through the internet

Ever since the internet came into being, it has come with several benefits to man. However, it would interest you to know that the internet has contributed to addiction in more ways we can think.

Some people who started abusing substances or engaging in addictive behaviors got their inspiration from the internet. And with time, they got addicted. When addiction sets in, it is difficult to stop because the individual enjoys the pleasure that comes with it.  

It is surprising to note that the same internet which contributes to addiction, has proven to be a good means to preventing it.

One of the first steps to preventing addiction through the internet is by sensitization. Several people don’t even know the meaning of addiction.

To them, their addiction is their favorite habit. However, they left out the fact that anything that takes the place of important things is an addiction.

Hence, depending on the social media platform and location, users of the internet have to be sensitized about the meaning of addiction. Also, to prevent addiction, people need to know the adverse effects that come with it, and it can be properly illustrated with pictures and videos.

When people see graphic photos of what substance addiction does to the kidney and liver of an individual, they would have a rethink about their intended abuse which leads to addiction. Another way to prevent addiction is to have professionals in the health field talk about it.

As humans, we are naturally wired to listen to people who are authority in certain fields. If doctors and other healthcare workers regularly talk about addiction, there would be fewer number of cases.

If you are addicted already, you can still get your life back on track. All you need do is go to a rehab where you will be enrolled for counseling.  

With counseling, you will know the root cause of your addiction and a treatment pattern will be created for you to restore your health to normalcy.


Drug abuse is one of the leading causes of addiction in the world.

People who abuse drugs have got to the point where they find it difficult to refrain from its usage. If they do not use drugs for a day, they might not feel comfortable.

One of the reasons why drug abuse is on the rise, is because of the influence of the internet via the social media platforms particularly.

People see others abuse drugs on the internet, and they feel it is cool, and the act involves no detrimental effect.

Then, they become addicted to drugs, and they begin to hear about the adverse effects which comes with drug abuse, but it is usually too late for them at point, except they opt for drug abuse treatment.

What makes it worse is, a good number of celebrities indulge in drug abuse, and this motivates their fans to be like them. With this, it becomes quite impossible to get rid of the menace known as drug abuse.

Drug abuse is the stepping stone to drug addiction, which is a brain disease making an individual to indulge in risky behaviors.

To fight against drug abuse, one of the best ways is to utilize the internet. Since the internet has proved to be effective in promoting drug abuse, then it would be equally effective in fighting against this.

The first step would be people volunteering to help spread the news about the ills of drug abuse, and those who should spearhead this movement are health practitioners and celebrities themselves.

Celebrities particularly would be an effective driving force in the fight against drug abuse, because their fans would most likely do what they support.

So, the basic line of action would be to get celebrities to agree to join the movement against drug abuse, before other people can follow suit.

The internet is a powerful marketing tool, and once the needed strategies are put in place, it becomes easy to promote certain events on the internet.


Technology is changing, and so is the internet. Various ways are being created for people to connect and communicate with one another.

On the internet these days, seeing people abuse drugs is not a new occurrence.  

To make it worse, social networking sites are encouraging people to indulge in drug abuse. They are making dangerous opportunities available for people to be exposed to drugs.

Common social media platforms like Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and the likes motivate people to engage in risky expeditions like taking drugs and even alcohol.

A good number of popular celebrities are seen taking drugs, and this influences people especially the young ones who are viewing.

Since drug abuse seems to be mainstream, the common notion surrounding this is, it is legit and safe for consumption.

Drug abuse leads to addiction, and it is a chronic brain disease which makes a person to obsessively engage in risky behaviors, which drug abuse is a part of.  

The structure and function of the brain changes because the aspects of the brain which are needed for sound judgement, decision making and the likes has been altered.

On the internet, we see our family and friends having fun, and we are often compelled to do the same.

Sometimes, abusing drugs is an integral aspect of any party or merry-making, and it looks normal when everyone is taking it.

In addition to the fact that the internet encourages drug abuse, it is also a huge contributor to poor mental health.

Studies and research has shown that, there is a strong link between poor mental health, and the use of the internet and self-esteem.

These three contribute to substance abuse. When individuals have emotional problems, they usually turn to drug abuse, and this is one of the ills promoted by the internet.

The internet can equally be used to advocate against drug abuse, and this can be very effective. Drug abuse has both short and long-term effects on the overall health of an individual, and the internet needs to be utilized in spreading this news.

A Necessary Spread of Ideas

Since the emergence of the internet, it is suddenly much easier to convey messages to the public. The circulation of ideas moves much more rapidly than it ever has in the past, and the sharing of information can be done with the click of a mouse. This power is often used frivolously for inane propaganda, but it is also frequently used to spread worthwhile ideas. One of these worthwhile ideas is a defense for people with mental disorders. There is a great deal of ignorance on mental disorders still alive and well in our society, and circulating accurate information about mental disorders through the internet could be the key to defeating this ignorance.

The spread of ideas through the internet by means of advanced digital technologies occurs at a rate that would have been unprecedented to past generations. Sharing information on mental disorders, such as the staggering statistics on how many people have them, the fact that they are an illness instead of a character flaw and how they need to be approached with sensitivity and understanding, through computers, phones and tablets has the potential to reduce social stigmas on mental disorders and eradicate intolerance for them.

The internet also has a way of holding people accountable for their words and actions. More and more, intolerance and ignorance of mental illness is being reprimanded in light of how toxic stigmatization and judgment passing is to our society. The internet has become a place of social negotiation, where we can determine what the true nature of mental disorders are by offering one another credible, scientific information on the matter. Public discussion forums online can be used as a tool for calling awareness to mental disorders, and impressing upon society that we all play a responsible role in ending mental disorders. The mere presence of intelligent internet users who are willing to defend mental disorders can mean major progress for mental health in our culture.

For mental disorders that require treatment, the internet is the most important means people have of connecting to a treatment facility in their area. Whether they need a behavioral treatment center Vancouver, alcohol rehabilitation programs or a drug addiction facility Ontario, the internet can guide them to the mental health services they need.

Internet Holds People Accountable

The internet can be criticized and praised for its various contributions, but one worthwhile addition it has made to our culture is that it holds people accountable for their actions. How many times have we seen videos go viral of a person doing something they should not have done and the world unites in reprimanding them. We are now constantly aware of smartphones and recording devices being all around us, and we monitor our behavior so that we are not tried by a jury of our internet peers. In a similar sense, we are held accountable for the opinions and actions we make about addiction and mental disorders online.

In recent years, there has been a surge of information made public on the stigmatization of mental disorders and addiction. Awareness has increased greatly on the seriousness of mental health issues and new levels of respect have been achieved on the matter. Therefore, intolerance of mental disorders and addiction online is quickly chastised and reprimanded. We are developing a collective consciousness on mental health that is more ethical than it has been in the past. This is positive in the sense that it promotes tolerance and discourages discrimination.

As quality information on addiction and mental disorders is shared and passed around online, mental health is socially negotiated between groups of people. One of the ways that humanity determines that something is true is through social negotiation: forming collective opinions through public discourse. One of the ways we determine our societal values on addiction and mental disorders is by debating together and challenging one another’s beliefs. It is very common for people to hold incorrect perceptions of addiction and mental disorders as they have been largely misunderstood through out history.

Although the internet is guilty of increasing certain conflicts, when it comes to addiction and mental disorders, the internet has set many misconception straight and circulated a great deal of valuable information.

Digital Technology Spreads Mental Health Ideas Faster

The spread of ideas about addiction and mental disorders has unarguably become faster as the internet has become more prominent. People are able to communicate thoughts and information to each other much more quickly than they were able to in the past. Whether they are using a computer, a smartphone or a tablet, the ability to communicate is much more accessible thanks to the internet. People have a different relationship with each piece of digital technology they possess, and the methods with which they use them to communicate vary.

Computers were the original form of digital technology and are still one of the most desirable to use today. A computer may be a stationary desktop model that remains in the home or a portable laptop that travels with its owner. Computers are how modern culture learned to be social and active on the internet. We learned how to form connections, exchange ideas and share information online through the invention of computers, including information on addiction and mental disorders. Other technologies followed shortly that modeled the computer, but nothing can match its memory capabilities and variety of functions.

Phones followed shortly after computers in the demand for digital technology and then became their own phenomenon. Phones are now arguably the method we prefer to use for communication more than any other. Phones have increased the circulation and sharing of information on addiction and mental disorder because now we do not have to wait to get home to our computers before we can explore public information on the matter. The biggest difference between phone time and computer time is that phone information can be accessed on the go where as computers require the proper set up in order to use. Tablets came last and are somewhere between a phone and a computer, giving them many functions of a computer while being nearly as portable as a phone.

Public Forums Defeat Stigmas

A recent topic that has received much attention are the stigmas that are created around mental disorders and addiction. The judgment and discrimination that people with disorders receive is inexcusable. We would not chastise someone for a physical health condition, yet we hold people completely responsible for their behavior when they have a mental health condition. It is very important that we continue to push for fair treatment of people with disorders and addictions, and the internet is a primary medium for executing this discussion.

By bringing an awareness of disorders and addictions to the internet community, we are able to greatly increase the speed and the breadth of the circulation of ideas on these matters. By using social media and other websites to share ideas and circulate information on addiction and disorders, the word about fair treatment of people who are struggling with these conditions reaches new ears constantly.

These measures create a presence online that is there to defend the addiction and mental disorder community. The internet has, in many ways, come to serve a watchdog function in society, with the jury and judge being all internet users. Any grave injustice that is taken to the internet is received with scorn for the perpetrator and support for the victim. This is also true for addiction and disorders. Now that a strong online presence is aware that sensitivity and understanding is required for cases of addiction and disorder, the online ethic for tolerance of these matters is stronger.

As we continue to reinforce positive treatment for those who are struggling to practice good mental health, we break down the barriers that are creating stigmas around disorders and addictions. Stigmas are responsible for the destruction of fragile minds, and if we do not fight diligently to bring them down, we could risk losing the battle against mental health problems.