Drug abuse is one of the leading causes of addiction in the world.

People who abuse drugs have got to the point where they find it difficult to refrain from its usage. If they do not use drugs for a day, they might not feel comfortable.

One of the reasons why drug abuse is on the rise, is because of the influence of the internet via the social media platforms particularly.

People see others abuse drugs on the internet, and they feel it is cool, and the act involves no detrimental effect.

Then, they become addicted to drugs, and they begin to hear about the adverse effects which comes with drug abuse, but it is usually too late for them at point, except they opt for drug abuse treatment.

What makes it worse is, a good number of celebrities indulge in drug abuse, and this motivates their fans to be like them. With this, it becomes quite impossible to get rid of the menace known as drug abuse.

Drug abuse is the stepping stone to drug addiction, which is a brain disease making an individual to indulge in risky behaviors.

To fight against drug abuse, one of the best ways is to utilize the internet. Since the internet has proved to be effective in promoting drug abuse, then it would be equally effective in fighting against this.

The first step would be people volunteering to help spread the news about the ills of drug abuse, and those who should spearhead this movement are health practitioners and celebrities themselves.

Celebrities particularly would be an effective driving force in the fight against drug abuse, because their fans would most likely do what they support.

So, the basic line of action would be to get celebrities to agree to join the movement against drug abuse, before other people can follow suit.

The internet is a powerful marketing tool, and once the needed strategies are put in place, it becomes easy to promote certain events on the internet.

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