Since the emergence of the internet, it is suddenly much easier to convey messages to the public. The circulation of ideas moves much more rapidly than it ever has in the past, and the sharing of information can be done with the click of a mouse. This power is often used frivolously for inane propaganda, but it is also frequently used to spread worthwhile ideas. One of these worthwhile ideas is a defense for people with mental disorders. There is a great deal of ignorance on mental disorders still alive and well in our society, and circulating accurate information about mental disorders through the internet could be the key to defeating this ignorance.
The spread of ideas through the internet by means of advanced digital technologies occurs at a rate that would have been unprecedented to past generations. Sharing information on mental disorders, such as the staggering statistics on how many people have them, the fact that they are an illness instead of a character flaw and how they need to be approached with sensitivity and understanding, through computers, phones and tablets has the potential to reduce social stigmas on mental disorders and eradicate intolerance for them.
The internet also has a way of holding people accountable for their words and actions. More and more, intolerance and ignorance of mental illness is being reprimanded in light of how toxic stigmatization and judgment passing is to our society. The internet has become a place of social negotiation, where we can determine what the true nature of mental disorders are by offering one another credible, scientific information on the matter. Public discussion forums online can be used as a tool for calling awareness to mental disorders, and impressing upon society that we all play a responsible role in ending mental disorders. The mere presence of intelligent internet users who are willing to defend mental disorders can mean major progress for mental health in our culture.
For mental disorders that require treatment, the internet is the most important means people have of connecting to a treatment facility in their area. Whether they need a behavioral treatment center Vancouver, alcohol rehabilitation programs or a drug addiction facility Ontario, the internet can guide them to the mental health services they need.